You can register for the allowlist already here 👉 dCompress Allowlist

The Invitation

We invite you to unwind from, reflect on and creatively integrate your learnings from ETH CC from 14th - 19th July in a beautiful villa, just a stone’s throw from Brussels. Early bird ticket holders can arrive from 12th July.

dCompress is part retreat, part creative residency, part unconference. Join 40 other mindful humans to sense-make of your experience and share your key takeaways, follow up with and connect with people you’ve met, all within a non-shill zone.

It is a chance to reclaim attention and intention in life through the things that matter: good body, good mind, good relationships, good food, good music, good focus, good workshops, good people.

We will accept participants who are interested in co-living, co-working, and co-creating. We are interested in having people from different disciplines and with the different skillsets to add to the diversity of the event.

The Theme

The theme for dCompress is onchain integration.

It starts with the question: how do we take fleeting and sometimes overwhelming IRL experiences - where we learn new things, meet new people, come away with new ideas - and memorialise them onchain in some way?

Our aim is create a dedicated transient space where you can express your creativity onchain from ETH CC, through whatever digital form you want. The week is intended to be a counter-balance to the non-stop busyness and intensity of the week before. Some ideas for what you can integrate:

But, of course, we only float these out as suggestions. What you create is up to you.

The Goals

There are three goals with the week:

1. Reflect On Your Experience

Instead of running onto the next thrill, take the time to reflect on your experience and be mindful how you want to proceed, surrounded by other inspirational people.

2. Create Something Onchain

After reflecting on your experience, create something lasting, whether onchain or not, which will stay with you into the future as a response to the week.

3. Refocus On Health

Reconnect with yourself. We will have meditations, yoga, runs in the countryside, healthy food, and the accountability of other people to really focus on yourself.